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Ilona Horvath

In 2017 Street Art Museum Amsterdam blows it’s 5 years Anniversary. During the 5th May - the Freedom Day, we, The SAMA, would like to celebrate and reflect on 5 years together. About what freedom mean to you, to us, and how this meaning has considerably change over the centuries, depending on people’s life, origin, work, customs and traditions.

SAMA is a NEW Museum, designed for NEW time and with NEW audience engagement.

Thanks to the dedication and support of Anna Stolyarova our tutor and the founder of the Street Art Museum Amsterdam and in the occasion of our internship experience, us, three French students are happy and proud to present to you our first temporary exhibition "New Time and Us".

We will share with you a human story told in 6 destinies.These are theirs but also ours! In honor, the residents who made it and particularly all the local people and their engagement. The government and housing corporation who took a chance. Inhabitants, territory, in other words, environment’s interaction. The artists who helped to pioneer. And obviously the visitors, their new perspective on Street Art, how they change the SAMA, and how the SAMA change them.

For each we wanted different way for you to discover them.

This is how you have got an audio, a video, a performance, a collage, a virtual reality demo, and pictures.

We prepared 12 questions. 6 mains about Freedom, New Time and the Street Art Museum Amsterdam.

And 6 more questions, intimates, focus on their fights, theirs sights of contemporary Society and World.


The participants are actors of the Society, of New Time, and Freedom. On politics, education, social, culture or still in the university benches, all work for integrity, create a multicultural’s World, for young people future opportunities, for democratic and new form of art. In few words for Humans.

Jeroen Mirck, is a freelance journalist who works for magazines and websites which are specialize on medias and marketing. Since 2010, he is an active local politician for Democrats 66 in the Amsterdam district of New-West.

Judith Schöne is the co-founder of the Movement Dreamocracy. Her project is an education program about freedom for secondary school.

Young Society is a foundation created on 2015 in the New-West and dedicated to increasing the participation of young people between 16 and 25 in society.

St Henricus School is a new school. New in sense of the various age in classroom, the structure, the way of education and pedagogy. We met Roos Oostdam, a teacher.

University Savoie Mont-Blanc is represented by Manon, Guillaume and Ilona, who study Information-Communication and Hypermedia at the University Savoie Mont Blanc (Chambéry). They are trainees at the SAMA since the 20th February until the 20th May.

Street Art Museum Amsterdam is non-profit museum situated in the New-West of Amsterdam. creates, explores, documents and preserves the growing democratic movement of street art. In 2017 it celebrates its 5 years Anniversary.


For each story we asked 6 mains questions, and 6 more focussing on the participants occupation. Below are the latter 6 questions for the Young Society, our neighbours.

—> Can you tell me more about how your project has emerged? What your goals are?

—> How and when you arrived in the foundation?

—> How has your life changed between 2015 and 2017?

—> Why in the territory of the Nieuw-West? What is your proudest moment and why?

—> What is your experience with SAMA as neighbors?

—> If you had to choose one artwork from the collection what would it be? And why?

Jeroen Mirck

Jeroen Mirck’s story is told with an audio and the transcript of it. What freedom mean for him? How and why he arrived in politics? What his vision of neighbourhood? On what SAMA and Street Art bring a richer image of the New-West? Put headphones, and pick up the parts you want.

When Ilona Horvath was thinking about a politician’s interview she was stressed, she imagined a big place on an official office, she doesn’t expect that the interview took place in his living room with Jeroen’s wife, and his cat Django who asked for cuddles.

The interview is an audio and which can be heard here.

The extract from the transcript:

I.H: 'Would you describe Amsterdam Nieuw-West as free? And why?’

J.M : 'Yes, I think New-West is in certain ways a very free part of the city, because it’s open and people come to live here because there’s a lot of green and it’s a relatively quiet neighborhood. But on the other hand there is also some discussion about the local situation; it’s an area with a lot of people who are poor, which has influence on the amount of criminal behavior in the neighborhood. Young people don’t have many future opportunities, and they have the risk to become part of the criminal scene. It’s also a multicultural area, and that has some difficulties too, some people are not completely integrated, and sometimes there is not enough acceptance of other people being different’

I.H : 'What is your experience with SAMA?’

J.M : '(…) At least for many people it’s not clear what it is, and it’s good to open it up and tell people about it and give people the opportunity to get to know what’s there. Some things are hidden, or maybe you could pass it without even seeing it. So it’s very good, and it’s interesting to see that it’s really a bottom up initiative. It’s not that we asked Anna to do something with street art, but she decided herself to do something with street art’

Judith Schöne

Description: Discover Judith Schöne’s story by a video. Her movement for freedom, her dreams and hopes for a colourful future. By a walk through HER territory you will meet HER neighbourhood, a place she loves, her favourite artworks. Ilona Horvath met Judith Schöne on 25th March. Together they had one morning of relax but busy interview. The first part was made at Judith’s home with a cup of tea, then they go for a walk in different places : around Lambertus Zijlplein, her favorite place, in front of ‘Safety’ from Alanis, all with rain. The activist and woman talking to you, here.

The extract from the transcript:

I.H : 'Do you believe that the world is entering New Time? Why do you think that?'

J.S : ‘(…) We are the makers of living together, not a system, we are the system, not a system somewhere above, so it’s more horizontal instead of vertical. And I think that’s the ‘big change’ we need to find our way in, and we need to work together in’

I.H : 'If you had to choose one artwork from the collection what would it be? Why?'

J.S : 'This is my favorite art piece that I’d choose to show you, and it has several reasons I like this one in particular. (…) It’s really a big art piece within the neighborhood which you don’t miss but especially I like the feel of the piece you can see a lamb, the innocence of it reflects for me the income of people and also the power people have to protect each other, so the whole society and the social relations between people, to protect each other from the things that attack us’

Young Society

Description: In the form of a performance, a talk-show the D-Day, Amber Kaspersma, the director of the Young Society, answers to the 12 questions in live at the Street Art Museum Amsterdam’s HQ. This exhibit was live streamed onto Facebook. The participants were members Sharona, Iona, Guylian, Anne and the director of the Young Society, Amber. The interview took place at the museum head quarters, at 12:00 AM on the 5th of May, during the Freedom Lunch. The full discussion can be experienced here.

The extract from the transcript:

I.H : 'Would you describe Amsterdam NW as free? and why?’

A.K : « Sometimes it is, and sometimes it’s not. I don’t know. It’s difficult. It’s a nice district because I also live there, my office is here, and I think it’s one of the nicest districts in the whole of Amsterdam. But when you check also the social media, or the papers or whatever you see shit about Nieuw-West’

I.H : 'What is your proudest moment and why? ‘

Guylian : ‘I had a workshop which was about inspiring the young people to do something, to be the change they want to be, and I was amazed how much talent these kids had. Normally you have a class and when you’re working you think 'ok, now I’ve got 1 hour before I can leave to do my own thing’, and these kids were so inspired, so activated and enthusiastic, that 5 minutes after they left the class, they came back to me and said ‘look what we’ve done!’, and they helped the janitor with cleaning the cigarettes from the street, they thought ‘why don’t we just help each other out?’ they put on social media, and they came up with the hashtag ‘good vibes’ and like 5 minutes later they put it into practice, and they came back to me and I thought ‘Wow. It really means something to you, you’re already activated to do this’, and it brought good vibes!

You can watch the whole interview on Facebook, on the Street Art Museum Amsterdam official Page:

Saint Henricus School

Saint Henricus School is located on Louis Naarstigstraat, but is temporarily housed elsewhere due renovation. The school practices innovative: instead of classes they will use the new concepts of units, with over 75 children per unit. The school focuses its education on collaboration between children and teachers, using new ideas of learning and teaching.

The workshop took place over 4 days in March 2017. 20 children from the school met renowned calligraffiti artist, Team Blazin- ‘Children are pure and true, and art is of course very important at school, and everywhere, even in the bathroom, in fact the best ideas are found in the bathroom. The final workshop of Calligraffiti took place at Tante Ali, a neighborhood community space in Slotermeer. This same week the Italian street art crew, Orticanoodles, arrived at Street Art Museum Amsterdam to create a new artwork ‘6000 strokes’ at Schiphol. It was a busy but exciting week!

University Savoie Mont-Blanc

The University Savoie Mont-Blanc's team is composed of Guillaume Perdrix, Manon Faure-Gignoux and Ilona Horvath. They arrived from the same university to complete their studies of Information-Communication and Hypermedia at the University Savoie Mont Blanc (Chambéry). They interned at Street Art Museum Amsterdam for three months from February to May. Guillaume acted as designer, Manon as webmaster and Ilona on public relations. The exhibition ‘New time and Us’ was the project during their time here. For this exhibit, 9 photos represent their experience in Amsterdam and internship at SAMA. The beginning was not quite how they imagined.

1 : Process Verbal :

Manon and Ilona are good friends, and decided to live together during their internship at Street Art Museum Amsterdam. In France, they booked beautiful accommodation. The landlady with whom they exchanged emails said she would meet them at the airport for their arrival on 18th February. After 2 hours of waiting: nobody. The two girls stayed 3 days at Matteo and Giacomo’s home (2 current interns at SAMA), one week at a hotel, and 2 weeks at Anna’s home, founder of the museum. With Anna, they visited the police station to file a complaint; here they learned that the woman they had spoken to via email had been a victim of identity theft. Eventually, they found themselves well situated in the beautiful town of Haarlem.

2 : First Tour as guides :

Manon and Ilona gave many tours during their 3 month internship: in English and also in French. The first one was on the 4th of March with two French women, Marlène and Célia. Marlène and Ilona got along especially well, and they plan to meet again in France later this year.

3 : Workshop Team Blazin and Saint Henricus School :

On this picture you can see the Calligraffiti artist Team Blazin, and intern Manon. They prepared one of the two big banners for the final workshop. For Manon, it was her first time using spray paint which was exciting for her!

4 : Matteo’s goodbye party :

Matteo was an intern from Florence, and stayed from January to April. This picture shows his goodbye party organized by Anna on the 16th of March. Anna cooked us all a traditional Dutch dish.

5 : Schiphol Tour :

Anna showed us the whole collection. Here, the team is at Schiphol, in front of an artwork by French street artist, Sandrine Boulet. The picture is as fun as the piece of art!

6 : Instagram :

16 Instagram famous women visited SAMA for a workshop. Each one has different specialities: photography, cosplay, painting, calligraphy etc. Some of the participants have over 1 million followers!

First Anna gave them a tour of the collection, then on their return they painted a wall in the gallery. Thanks to these sparkling girls we learnt more Instagram skills, which has helped SAMA gain more followers.

7 : Tulips :

After a weekend of work at Schiphol Airport for a workshop run by SAMA: 'Kaagbaan Experience’, Anna took Giacomo, Manon and Ilona for a walk amongst the tulips fields.

8 : Leiden :

To finish the French Team’s experience in Amsterdam, Anna wanted to thank us by giving us a special and private tour of Leiden, and it’s prestigious university.

9 : To be continued… :

This is the final photograph of the current crew at Street Art Museum Amsterdam before the three french students leave: Anna the founder and tutor, the French Team: Manon, Guillaume and Ilona, and the new members: Frances from England, and Cika from the Netherlands.

Street Art Museum Amsterdam

‘Mario' was an artwork from the French artist Oak Oak in passageway of Geuzenveld in Nieuw-West. It was a small legal art piece and part of the ‘Find Me if You Can’ street game. The local children loved him. The housing corporation loved him. In fact, Mario made such an impact that SAMA were asked to paint the entire passage. But that meant we would have to paint over Mario. In December 2016, Orticanoodles created ‘Tulips’ and SAMA team have commenced their quest on finding the way to bring Mario back to life.

SAMA is looking into technology as an alternative way to preserve the ephemeral Street Art collection, in contrast to ripping the bricks off the wall. The Augmented Reality (AR) is the key and a good way to give life back to artworks.

To see the AR demonstration please use the following steps:

  1. Download the application here for android: Here

  2. Or here for iOS: Here

  3. In Settings turn OFF exploration mode

  4. Insert this code to view Mario: 497262

  5. Point your smartphone onto the current view of the wall and see Mario go!

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