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The Student Hotel and TeamBlazin

Paul Eyheramoun

Last Thursday we were invited to the Student Hotel to do a workshop for the night “The Future of Amsterdam West”. The mood of the room was joyful. Music was played on one side, on another side, people were drinking popcorn cocktail. And in the middle of all of that, we were here with Team Blazin, giving our version of the future and the present of Nieuw West.

Our workshop was about Calligraphy. With guidance and support from TeamBlazin, the participants could try themselves to write something in a “Team Blazin” way, and we put on the wall. The lucky one could even have their name written by TeamBlazin. I understood that SAMA has found TeamBlazin 'under the rock' and they have been collaborating for a long time together. However, for me this was the first!

The party area was also having a restaurant with really good food I had the pleasure to taste (I have to take a burger, but don’t say it to my parents it’s bad for my weight). Our workshop was one hour and a half, so we had time to enjoy the party together. Insan came at the beginning to help us install everything, I don’t see Insan very often, but it is always a pleasure to talk with her.

When I was hanging around take picture and videos, I have seen a distributor with decks of cards (right next to the condoms). I wanted one since I am in Amsterdam because I love cards game, so it was the good occasion. I have done few magic tricks to all the intern crew right after buying it.

I also had the pleasure to meet Bertrand parents for the first time (Bertrand is the other French intern, and we are housemates in Amsterdam). Once our work was done I had to run because my parents were also arriving to Amsterdam this day for their holidays. Bertrand had also to run to see his girlfriend who came to Amsterdam the same week he brings his parents here. When I meet us for the first time, we directly made fun of Bertrand for that.

I feel like the night was a success, we came with a lot of paper and at the end of the evening, all the paper was cover by art and writing.

My role in this kind of event is mainly to frame what happens, with these short videos we kind of write part of the history of SAMA.

The waitress at the party was having 70’s haircut and David Bowie make-up, that’s why I have put a Jackson 5 remix song for the video.

Que la fête commence !

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