Bloomberg Philanthropies are working with cities in order to improve the quality of life of neighborhoods by doing studies or by creating some art projects. One of these is named Asphalt Art Initiative. Already launched in several cities in the world such as London, Glasgow or Amsterdam for instance, it contributed to the revitalization of public spaces.
Once again this year, Bloomberg Philanthropies will subsidize 20 European cities with the aim of creating art projects in which local residents will be involved. The main purpose is to improve the security of some streets, revitalize areas and also to embellish streets. This initiative has already been a success on the other side of the Atlantic in 2020-2021 with the creation of 45 projects in at least 41 American cities as well as in 3 places in Europe. No fewer than 6,000 residents and 189 artists have participated so far and 103,930 square feet of streetscape were covered by masterpieces.
“Surround Sound”
© Bloomberg Philanthropies
Here for instance, it is the project that was made in Amsterdam in partnership with SAMA. SAMA chose to work with the Spanish artist Kenor and local artists: Metin, Cika, Amon and Lars on the 8000 square feet market square at Plein 40-45. It is one of the biggest artwork created in the city by the Street Art Museum Amsterdam. We used all techniques of working outside: acrylic, spray, beton and road paints, as well as stickers. Many local residents have come to help out, thus making the painting their own.
"Bring London Together"
© Bloomberg Philanthropies
Some students from the University of Arts of London worked with the artist Yinka Ilori and changed the appearance of crosswalks and a pedestrian plaza in London.
"Water Works"
© Bloomberg Philanthropies
Designed by Gabriella Marcella this artwork change the look of a forgotten area in Glasgow next to a railway station. Inspired by climate change, it is encouraging people to take their bike or just walking instead of taking their car for instance.
According to new studies street art contributes to the safety of the areas where it is established. As a matter of fact the “Asphalt Art Safety” study is showing that after the installation of an artwork there is an impressive decline in road traffic accidents and it makes it safer for pedestrians. If we focus on figures it is in fact 50% less than before that this work of art was created in the area.
(More informations about the studies on the Asphalt Art Initiative website)
European candidates can from now on apply before 11th July 2022 on Applications are open to all cities with at least 100,000 inhabitants. All of the guidelines and rules to follow are available on the website highlighted above.