➜ Where is the museum located ?
Stichting STREET ART MUSEUM AMSTERDAM (SAMA) is located in a part of Amsterdam called Nieuw-West. It is easy to reach by public transport from the other locations of Amsterdam, especially with the tram.
Our address :

Street Art Museum Amsterdam
Immanuel Kanthof 1
1064 VR
The museum has a collection of more than 300 artworks made by artists not only from Amsterdam but also from all over the world. Given that, street art is not limited to graffiti and stencils, you will find at SAMA all different styles of street art such as :
Wire and objects
All of the street art pieces are placed on the streets of Nieuw-West district: Slotermeer and Geuzenveld, and are not 'locked' in a building. This is because SAMA is an eco-museum.
➜ So, what is an eco museum ?
On one hand, eco is an important aspect which is about sustainability. But it is not only about that, this type of museum does not have a building and work by involving the population in its projects without forgetting the identity of the place. And as a matter of fact SAMA is working with local residents, children but is also involving visitors.
"An Ecomuseum is a dynamic way in which communities preserve, interpret, and manage their heritage for a sustainable development. An Ecomuseum is based on a community agreement."
- Declaration of Intent of the Long Net Workshop - 2004
On the other hand, according to the international council of museums “A museum is a non-profit, permanent institution in the service of society and its development, open to the public, which acquires, conserves, researches, communicates and exhibits the tangible and intangible heritage of humanity and its environment for the purposes of education, study and enjoyment.”
We can conclude that an eco museum is a place where we work with local communities in a sustainable way in order to preserve the art heritage.
➜ Are you selling tickets ?
SAMA does not sell tickets!
Our art collection is free of charge!
Consequently, artworks can be seen by everyone and at any moment equally. A self guided tour is available, thanks to a GPS-audio tours app called Izi.TRAVEL.
If you already arrived to SAMA HQ, you can find a QR code on our front RED DOOR. Once you scan it with your phone, pick up GEUZENVELD route, choose PREVIEW and enjoy your adventure GRATIS!
➜ How to use Izi TRAVEL ?

The first step is to download it for free via Google Play or the Apple app store. Then, you just have to search for "SAMA STREET ART" through the menu. 3 ROUTES plus a BONUS TRACK will come up. If you are planning your visit (before arriving to SAMA HQ), you can choose where you start. All routes will guide you throughout the streets of the Nieuw-West. Moreover, thanks to an audio guide (PAID OPTION) furnished in the app you can have more information about what is around you. If you want this option in order to learn more about the artworks the cost can be paid in the app for 6.49€, it is helping SAMA in its maintenance and development.
OR you can still use the app for FREE if you click on “preview”.
➜ Is it necessary to follow the map to the letter ?
Given that it is a self-directed tour it is not required to start from the point one indicated on the map. By saying this we mean that there is no chronological order to follow.
➜ Is it possible to book a private tour ?
Explore the Nieuw-West and SAMA’s collection with your friends or family with an expert of the Street Art museum Amsterdam. SAMA offers private tours for groups of more than 4 people on request by email for 30€ per person.
➜ What about tours for schools?
Group tours are also possible for educational purposes. Guided in-person by one of SAMA’s team members, the tours immerse students in the Nieuw-West and the Street art heritage.
If you are interested in our tours please reach out to us at : answers@streetartmuseumamsterdam.com.